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A B C does it matter? A drug to the addict has no category - they all have the same addictive effect. If they are deemed illegal that should be enough. Remember a Dealer is a Dealer - it does not matter what category of drug they deal in - the outcome is the same - money. And all the customer has to look forward to is a downhill slope which will eventually result in misery and death.

There are no "good guy" drug dealers. 



Anabolic steroids are Class C drugs to be sold only by pharmacists with a doctor's prescription. It's legal to possess for personal use in the UK. But possession or importing with intent to supply is illegal and could lead to 14 years in prison and an unlimited fine. Importation or exportation of steroids for personal use using postal, courier of freight services is now illegal.


Use of anabolic steroids has rapidly increased in the UK in the recent years. No one knows for sure how many users there are. Those identified as using steroids include sports people, bodybuilders, doormen and security guards, but there is now a growing concern with the increasing number of teenagers turning to steroids to deal with society's obsession to emulate sporting and fashion heroes and to have the perfect body. Steroid use is becoming the equivalent of the male diet pill. Many people who use anabolic steroids think of themselves as healthy and fit and getting ahead in the world. They do not think of themselves as drug users, any more than somebody who regularly takes vitamin pills. Young men are now getting involved in taking steroids for image purposes. Ministers need to wake up to the fact that this is no longer just a problem that effects sports like body building but an issue for the whole of society.


No one seems sure what to do.

Possession for personal use is still not an offence. Some people want to go further and make it an offence but would this drive steroids underground and make it more dangerous. The Penalties of getting caught dealing are in place but does the system go far enough ? In Matthew's case his death could not be taken into consideration, resulting in the sentencing of supplying or dealing to two people with a penalty of 160 hours community service and a £300 fine, is this enough of a deterant ? Tom Brake (Liberal Democrat home affairs spokesman) speaking to the said in April 2009 "The government needs to send a clear message by tackling those who are supplying these drugs and making possession without a prescription illegal".


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